
New ways to support the Ethos Roundtable and the Boston 501 Tech Club

As many of you know, TechFoundation (TF) has underwritten the Ethos Roundtable and the Boston 501 Tech Club for a number of years. These two events bring together many local technology professionals who work with and for nonprofit organizations. We are extremely grateful for TF's many years of support!

TF is now changing its focus to work on international projects, and is ending its support of our two local groups. Therefore, we are looking for the following kinds of help. This is not an all-or-nothing deal; it's quite feasible for several different groups or individuals to step forward and offer different pieces of the puzzle.

Here's what we need:

1) Conference room facilities for the Ethos Roundtable's monthly sessions. (This would include internet access, a data projector, and a screen. No food is served, but ice water is always appreciated. Attendance ranges from 15 to 40 individuals)

2) Meeting room facilities for the Boston 501 Tech Club's monthly events. (Attendance ranges from 20 to 50 individuals, and the room is usually arranged with six or eight tables that seat about six people each. A bar and a buffet table are convenient but not necessary.)

3) Donations of food and drink - or a monthly lump sum to cover them - for the Boston 501 Tech Club's monthly events. (This could be as simple as pizza or as elaborate as a Thanksgiving dinner, which is what TechFoundation generously provided at yesterday's gathering.)

4) A volunteer to serve as the head honcho, organizer, and point person for the Boston 501 Tech Club's monthly events. (The ideal volunteer for this task would be a technology professional employed by a nonprofit, since that describes exactly the kind of person 501 Tech Club was created to serve.)

If you want to step up to offer support, or you are willing to contact potential donors or volunteers, please email Kathleen Sherwin of TechFoundation (ksherwin AT techfoundation DOT org) and me (ethos DOT roundtable AT gmail DOT com).

Many thanks!

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