
Keith Taylor, founder of Modest Needs, presents at the Ethos Roundtable on October 30th

Tuesday, October 30th*
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Charles Hotel
1 Bennett Street
Harvard Square, Cambridge

Keith Taylor, Modest Needs Foundation

If you're not familiar with Modest Needs Foundation, which uses the web to empower us all as micro-philanthropists, please check out the Modest Needs web site and blog, and prepare to be blown away.

When I consider that Modest Needs gives one-time grants to folks who are at risk of poverty and homelessness, and that 65% (Yes! Sixty-five percent!) of grant recipients become Modest Needs donors, I just want to swoon. Sorry about these rhetorical excesses, but I can't seem to help myself.

* Please note that this date does not coincide with the Boston 501 Tech Club event on October 16th. We changed the date of the Ethos Roundtable event to accommodate Keith's schedule, since he is coming up from New York City.

1 comment:

MaldenJen said...

This is going to be great! I have been a Modest Needs supporter for a while. It's such an great organization.