
Sneak preview at the Ethos Roundtable: "Nonprofit Management Resources"

Topic: The Nonprofit Management Resources project

Featured guests: Ndela Nkobi, Third Sector New England and Deborah Elizabeth Finn, Strategist and Consultant

Tuesday, September 21st 2010
4:30 - 6:30 pm
Charles Hotel
1 Bennett Street
Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

After its summer hiatus, the Ethos Roundtable will be kicking off a new season on September 21st! Ndlela Nkobi (of Third Sector New England) and I will be the co-presenters, and will be offering you a special sneak peak at a work in progress.

As many of you know, Third Sector New England and the Boston Foundation have joined forces to create a free online search and aggregation engine that is designed to deliver answers to questions that nonprofit managers in Massachusetts frequently ask. Although the web site, "Nonprofit Management Resources," has not yet been launched publicly, we have been given TBF and TSNE's blessing to provide the Ethos Roundtable with an overview of the strategy and history of the project and a special preview of the working prototype.

The Ethos Roundtable session will be followed immediately by the Boston 501 Tech Club event, which also takes place at the Charles Hotel. The Tech Club is for technology professionals in the region who work for or with nonprofit organizations. All Ethos Roundtable attendees are welcome at Tech Club gatherings, and vice versa.

No reservations are ever needed for Ethos Roundtable sessions, but if you plan to attend the Tech Club event, then you need to notify Kathleen Sherwin of TechFoundation (ksherwinAT techfoundation DOT org). Since TechFoundation is providing the free food, it's both courteous and prudent to let Kathleen know how much to order.

See you on September 21st!